Naturally, I was very excited to learn that JK Rowling was penning another book--and adult novel called The Casual Vacancy.

My first impression--literally of the cover--was disappointing The bright red and yellow colors and the cheap graphic was off-putting. If JK had not been an award-winning writer, I'd never picked up this book on it's own merit.
This should have been my first clue.
[Disclaimer: If you don't want to know anything about the book and read it unbiased, you might want to stop reading at this point. The following is my take on the book.]
After diving into the book, my husband asked me if I liked it. "Um....I'm not sure yet. It's still too early to tell. Not much has happened yet."
Then the next day he asked me again. "So, are you liking the book better now?"
"Um....well....not really. There are a lot of characters that I am trying to keep straight. Nothing's really happening yet. She is still introducing characters."
Then the next day, "So? Any better?"
"Well, there is a lot of bad language in here. It seems unnecessary. The character's names are confusing and she has nicknames for half of them too. SO I re-reading the same parts several times to figure out which character it's talking about. And I am still not sure what it's about so far."
This type of dialogue continued for days. Each time my husband would inquire about the book, I would find myself giving JK Rowling the benefit of the doubt. "Well, I am going to finish it before I make a judgement."
I really wanted to like it.
I just finished the book, and I can confidently say that if it has been any other author, I would have thrown the book away by now. It really was that bad.
Here are a few of the reasons that I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone to read:
- Unnecessary Vulgarity: The language was really bad. Really, really, really bad. The adults and the teenaged characters, alike, had mouths on them that would make a sailor blush. There were teenagers calling their parents all sorts of vulgar names that I won't even allude to here. The parents not only beat their children, there was ample amounts of cursing too--and some to children were as young as 3 1/2. It was too much for me. Some might argue that I live a sheltered existence and this "gritty" language was necessary for "realism." Well, that isn't "real" in my world, and I don't think it added anything to the story.
- Sexual Situations: Thankfully, she wasn't graphic in her descriptions (watching cable TV might be worse than what was described in the book), but so many of the things were unnecessary. It seemed to be added just to be added. Most of the comments or situations didn't add anything to the storyline.
- Hideous Characters: This is a big complaint, for me. I know JK can write amazing characters with depth, humor, and uniqueness. I can only hope she purposefully wrote these characters as flat and one dimensional. Seriously, there is not ONE likeable character in the book. Each character was so horrible that, by the end of the novel, I could care less what happened to any of them. My hope is that they were written that way on purpose. [Note to any potential authors out there--it's hard to keep a reader reading if they hate everyone in the book. We need someone to care about, cheer for, or at least tolerate.]
- A Weak (at best) Plotline: This, too, was the major disappointment. The whole time, I expected her to bring forth some profound or amazing story or in some way redeem at least one of the the smutty, fowl-mouthed, and unlikeable characters. Sadly, 503 pages later, I am just as confused as to the point of the book as I was when I first started it.
The only thing I could take away from this book is that maybe she was trying to turn a light on the real life struggles of children that live in poverty and the cycle that is created as a result. She may have been trying to get "polite" society to realize that their private lives are not that much different than those that live in the "projects" of our towns. That the public "sins" of the poor are just as bad, if not worse, than the private "sins" of the privileged.
However, I am really stretching to find any good in the book. Honestly, the best thing in the book is my Jimmy John's receipt I was using as a bookmark.
If you still want to read this book, I would beg of you to at least check it out of the library and don't waste your money. Or I have a copy I'd sell you.
HIghly entertaining. My favorite was your shout out to Jimmy John's. I wanted to have them deliver to me a few days ago and they told it the order would have to be over $50 to bring it this far! Boo...anyway, I'm glad to hear your thoughts. I'd considered reading it even though I had heard similar negative reviews. Think I'll pass. I enjoyed this post a lot, though- even read it aloud to Scott in the car!