So my friend
Emily challenged me to write about the "Top 10 Things I Recommend/Use/Love" and why. Since I love all of these things, there is no particular order here. (If you are reading from Facebook, it might look weird. I have pictures on the original post.)

01. Chi Flatiron: Guys won't understand this, but it is the best straightner you can buy. I have converted many to the ways of the Chi. I creates perfectly flat, shiny hair. (Imagine me tossing my hair back and forth like in a shampoo commercial.) It's worth the large amount of coin.

02. Harry Potter Series: If you haven't read these, you are the one missing out. The writing is smart, funny, inspiring, touching, and just plain amazing! The investment you make into these will be well worth it!! My favorite characters are the Weasley Twins! Their humor and laid-back approach to life makes me smile!

03. Raising Cane's: Unfortunately, this restaurant isn't nationwide yet, but it should be! The menu is simple--Chicken fingers, fries, Texas toast, sweet tea, and that amazing dipping sauce (I get two so everything gets dipped). Even their ice is great (little pellets of cold goodness). I really could eat there weekly and never get burned out. Next time you're in Norman, you've gotta go....and call me, so I can join you!
04. Macs: I admit it, I am a Mac snob. In my defense, I am not new to the bandwagon.

My first home computer was a Mac. My computer I took to college was a Mac....and that was a while ago. Macs are amazing for so many reasons. One of my favorite features is the spotlight. I also love how I can view all my files as icons/previews and hit my space bar and they zoom for me---makes searching for files so much easier. There are many, many more reasons--just ask me!!

05. Spreadable Butter: This is random, I know. If you are as in love with bread as I am, this product is a must try. It has an amazingly smooth, rich flavor and just the right amount of sweetness & salt. Since I have found this produce, the bread has taken a back seat and simply become a conduit for the spreadable deliciousness.
06. Sooner Football!!!: I LOVE college football. One of my father's favorite things to brag on

me about was the fact he raised a daughter that loved football as much as he did. ESPN's College Gameday starts my Saturdays in the Fall, and I usually write out a watching-game plan to maximize the amount of games I can watch. Of course, Big 12 football is my favorite, but I want to watch all of the important games. I am one girl you can invite to the tailgate party that both knows how to cook some tasty snacks as well as actually watch the game with you. 66 days and counting until kickoff.....
07. Audiobooks: Do you know that listening to a book being read ha

s the same educational benefits as reading a book to a child? Hey, turn off the TV and listen to a great book! I love listening to audiobooks in the car, or as I am doing other projects around the house. They are entertaining, mind stimulating, and with this I-pod generation, really accessable! I use both I-Tunes and as places to get great books! Audible has a lot of variety--including best sellers as well as Christian books and Christian fiction books. It's a way to "read" even when you can't have a book in your hand!
08. Psych: I don't want to beat a dead horse, but this show is worth all of the promo

tion it can get. I've posted already on the amazingness of this show, but in case you missed it... IT IS AMAZING! Back in the 80's the TV sitcom ruled the roost. Today "reality" shows are enjoying their reign on the nightly line-up. Psych is a fresh, funny breath of fresh air. Who doesn't like to laugh? Really, come on! I've never watched an episode where I didn't laugh out loud. I am so confident that I am willing to loan you my prized first season. Or we can have a watch-a-thon at my house. You're pick. I might even cook for you. The new season begins Friday, July 18, 10/9c on the USA Network. I know what I am doing that weekend.....laughing!
09. Perso

nality Plus/Wired That Way: I have mentioned this before as well, but one of the best investments I have ever made was in understanding my own temperment as well as others. The book "Personality Plus" was the first that really helped me understand that. The author's daughter wrote a new one called "Wired That Way." Both are great. Just the other day a friend was reading a section of the book and had an "ah ha" moment. She realized why she felt out of place in her family as she read about the different temperments behaved as children. She finally realized why she felt her parents didn't value her as much as her siblings. Wow! It is a tool that I have never regretted learning how to use.
10. Quilts: Okay, I realize most people won't care about this one. But this post is about thi

ngs I love and recommend, and it can't be left out. Quilting is a hobby I've picked up over the past 6 years. It's become an creative outlet as well as a way to show people I love them. One of the easiest ways of starting is using these things called "Jelly Rolls" or "Charm Packs". Basically, it is pre-cut and pre-selected fabric. It cuts down on the cost, the time selecting fabric that matches, and time cutting! There are a lot of great websites out there for quilters. If you want to know more, contact me.
Awesome blog…I am from Raising Canes and have a surprise for you…would you mind sending me your contact info? You can contact me at 225.246.7323 and ask for Erin. If I am not in the office, please leave your name and a number that I can contact you at!